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Community safety in the spotlight

The Bedfordview community supports safety awareness day.

The Bedford Centre hosted a community safety event, organised by social crime prevention officer Constable Kgere Mphuti, on Saturday, May 16.

The event was arranged in order to create general awareness of the different services provided to the public.

The event included the Metro Police, Emergency Services, security units and local police officers.

It is important for the public, as well as the local community, to be aware of the various departments that can be reached in case of an emergency.

The media spokesperson for the Disaster and Emergency Management Services, Mr William Ntladi said, “The amount of support received today was incredible. People need to know that it is a burning issue to know the correct numbers to contact when assistance is need.”

Night Guard Security’s spokesperson, Zaine and his brother J.P Eblen, brought along their Pitbull dogs to show the diversity of their company’s assistance. The dogs are trained to rescue on scent.

The brothers also used the opportunity to show residents that Pitbulls are friendly and not violent as they are often labelled.

“Working together with other protection forces enables a safer society,” said Zaine.

With the recent increase in incidents like hijacking, robbery and other crimes, the community benefited from hearing how working together can reduce the number of incidents.

Constable Klaas Dube, from the Metro Police said, “The event was successful because we were able to engage with the community of Bedfordview, as well as shoppers from other areas, and educate them about the different contacts available to the public.”

For emergency services response, phone 011 458-0911, 10177 or 112.

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