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Burglars caught

Two men were recently arrested in Marais Steyn Park after they were spotted attempting to break into a property.

The acting spokesperson for the Edenvale SAPS, Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Roberts, said a member of the community alerted reaction officers and SAPS members when he noticed two men in a neighbouring property.

“Police officers were the first to arrive on the scene and saw one man wondering around on the property,” said Lt Col Roberts.

When officers asked the man what he was doing, he responded by telling officers that he was the gardener for the household.

“When the man noticed that officers did not believe him, he fled the property on foot,” said Lt Col Roberts.

The man jumped over several walls of surrounding properties but was followed by members of the Edenvale SAPS.

He was eventually caught several houses from where the attempted burglary took place.

With the assistance of Savika Security, the second suspect was also caught.

“The men had already broken one of the windows to the house but were unsuccessful in removing any property from the house,” said Lt Col Roberts.

He added that the arrest would not have been possible without the assistance of Savika Security and the alert community member.

“Well done to the resident who alerted the SAPS and security, we can only ask other community members to take note and to also be alert. By being alert you can help prevent crime,” said Lt Col Roberts.

Further investigations revealed that one of the men arrested was recently released from prison, where he was incarcerated for a similar offence.

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