BCPF warns against renting properties to foreigners

During an operational meeting held by the Bedfordview Community Policing Forum (BCPF), chairperson Mr Gavin Henry said criminals from foreign countries use complexes in the area as hideout spots.

Home owners in Bedfordview have been urged to be careful of who they rent their properties to, especial when dealing with foreign nationals.

During an operational meeting held by the Bedfordview Community Policing Forum (BCPF), chairperson Mr Gavin Henry said criminals from foreign countries use complexes in the area as hideout spots. “They go into the suburbs and commit crimes. They then go back into their boomed off apartments. At times, they even target some apartments within the complexes where they live,” said Mr Henry.

He added that the trend was on the increase in Bedfordview and he urged owners to conduct background checks on prospective tenants.

Mr Henry said, “In some complexes, more than half of the occupants are foreign nationals. Owners need to think for themselves. If you are going to rent out your apartment to a foreign national, make sure you are satisfied with the information provided to you, such as ID numbers. Remember to keep a copy for yourself,” he said.

Another point of concern raised at the meeting was overcrowding, which according to Mr Henry, was a consequence of renting out properties without the relevant background information.

He added that people needed to protect themselves and their properties.

“Should the tenant fail to pay rent, the owner will be the one incurring legal costs while still paying the bond, as some tenants threaten owners with violence, which is why it is important to put your interests first,” said Mr Henry.

Meanwhile, Mr Henry said in light of the festive season, residents should remember to check if their alarms are working properly and ensure their panic buttons are in order before going on holiday.

The Bedfordview SAPS spokesperson, Sergeant Mduduzi Nhlabathi, echoed Mr Henry’s sentiments and said owners needed to confirm whether their prospective tenants are in the country legally and if they have a criminal history before letting them into their homes.

A foreign national and Bedfordview Gardens resident, who did not want to be named, told the NEWS that she was disappointed with the perpetrators.

“Some of us came to South Africa to get a better chance at succeeding in life. We earn an honest living. As much as it is unfair to paint us all with one brush, I cannot blame the police for doing so. I hope they catch the perpetrators who give foreign nationals a bad name,” said the resident.

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