
Jeppe Girls celebrates 20 years of democracy

“I am sure many Jeppe girls would agree with me in saying that June 20 marked a day of pride, celebration and unity that will not be easily forgotten."

These were the words of Michaela Mendes, a grade 11 pupil at Jeppe High School for Girls, in reference to a Mandela Day event held at the school.

She added, “Nelson Mandela once said, ‘We can change the world and make it a better place. It’s in your hands to make a difference’. We embraced this spirit and celebrated South Africa’s 20 years of democracy in the most diverse way possible.”

Each girl designed her own white t-shirt with black artwork depicting what democracy means to her. The t-shirts were worn to school on June 20. After lessons, a special assembly was held. The girls and staff expressed their joy through music played by the choir and the marimba band.

The assembly ended with the national anthem and everyone moved to the sports grounds to enjoy a picnic.

The councillors initiated a Colour Festival, celebrating the country’s rainbow nation with an explosion of the country’s flag colours.

“The day proved to be a vivid reminder of the hope afforded to each member of our rainbow nation. In the evening, the school staged another performance of the play Tsholofelo – the Story of Hope. The play reminded us that the hope for our tomorrow is the peace that comes from affording every human being the dignity they deserve,” said Ms Dina Gonçalves, the headmistress.

As Mandela Day fell during the school holidays, the school has made every day a Nelson Mandela Day for the next 67 school days.

The girls’ first project is to collect non-perishable food items to be distributed among the destitute.


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