
Tips to avoid muggings

Muggers prey on unsuspecting victims

Muggings are one of the common crimes unaware people fall victim to, while on the street or in shopping malls.

This is according to a statement released by the SAPS. Runners, walkers or cyclists should be vigilant at all times to avoid being mugged during their activities on the road.

According to SAPS, awareness is key to avoiding muggings as muggers prey on unsuspecting victims.

Follow these SAPS safety tips:

  •  Carry your bag around your neck, diagonally across your body. Clutch your bag and hold it in front of you.
  •  Put your wallet in an inside coat, or front trouser pocket, not in a back pocket as this will attract thieves.
  •  Keep alert. Dawn and dusk offers convenient shadows for muggers. Use well-lit and busy roads.
  •  Be careful if anyone in a car asks you for directions. If you answer, stay at least a full arm’s length from the vehicle.
  •  Vary your route. That way, a potential attacker won’t get to know your routine.
  •  Don’t wear headsets. If you are wearing a headset, lower the volume. If you cannot hear what is happening in the environment around you, you won’t hear an approaching attacker.
  •  Stay alert at all times. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are.
  •  Before you leave, plan your outing. Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return.


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