Bennies boys experience history

Grade 8 and 9 pupils from St Benedict’s College recently went on an annual history excursion. Grade 8 pupils observed a variety of weapons, which ranged from aerial darts to modern tanks and everything in between, during their visit to the Military Museum. These weapons were used in the Boer War, WWI, WWII and the …

Grade 8 and 9 pupils from St Benedict’s College recently went on an annual history excursion.

Grade 8 pupils observed a variety of weapons, which ranged from aerial darts to modern tanks and everything in between, during their visit to the Military Museum. These weapons were used in the Boer War, WWI, WWII and the Border Wars.

The grade 9 pupils visited the Apartheid museum, which gave them a chance to reflect on the past that they never directly experienced, but still feel the effects of today. The process of passing though doors that read “Whites Only” or “Non Whites Only” gave the pupils an opportunity to consider how life was for millions of South Africans during Apartheid. Seeing weapons used by the police, and photographs of the resistance, not only gave them useful information about South Africa’s history, it gave the pupils a chance to reflect on how far the country has come since 1994.

Pupils were also asked to participate in a simple task that represents the constitution. The pupils removed a painted stick from a pile and placed it in a crate, each colour representing a different branch of the constitution. Many said this was a moving experience as they saw fellow classmates choosing different, or similar sticks, showing what they felt was the most important aspect of our constitution.

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