
Centre urges shoppers to be attentive

This follows an incident where a couple lost their handbag while shopping at the centre recently.

Eastgate Shopping Centre’s manager, Ms Hester Wasserfall, has urged shoppers to be attentive when shopping.

This follows an incident where a couple lost their handbag while shopping at the centre recently.

According to the Bedfordview SAPS communications officer, Sergeant Mduduzi Nhlabathi, the couple had placed the handbag in a trolley while they were shopping.

“The bag contained the couple’s car keys, identity documents, jewellery and an undisclosed amount of money. Just before going to the cashier, they noticed the bag was missing,” said Sgt Nhlabathi.

Ms Wasserfall said the centre’s security system did not record the incident. She said that may be because the incident happened inside a store.

“The centre’s security team can confirm that no incident matching these details was reported to the centre security. This may be due to the fact that the incident took place within a tenant’s premises. It is however, important for shoppers to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times, as is the case for all public places where a large number of people gather,” she said.

She added that shoppers must always keep their valuables where they can see them.

“Always ensure your handbag is closed and that the clip or zip is on the side nearest to your body. Never leave your cellular phone on a chair or desk when you pay for goods. If possible, never leave your handbag, wallet or cellular phone in the trolley while shopping and do not leave your trolley with your goods unattended. When eating at a restaurant, ensure that your handbag is in a safe place, like on the floor between your legs, or between you and the person you are with at the restaurant. Never leave your cellular phone or wallet on the side of the table while eating at a restaurant. Move them to the middle of the table or put them in your handbag,” she said.

She added that people should not allow themselves to be distracted.

“If someone distracts you, or tells you that you have dropped something on the floor, first check if your wallet, handbag and cellular phone are secure. This is most likely a trick to steal something from you. When at the ATM, never let anyone help you enter a pin or tell you that you have dropped something. This will give them a chance to steal your card, pin or money. Before leaving the parking pay station, ensure you have your vehicle keys in your hand. This will ensure you are not distracted or looking for keys when arriving at your vehicle,” said Ms Wasserfall.

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