Cleaning campaign for Mandela Day

The clean-up will be held in association with the Sector 3 Forum, the Western Kensington Residents’ Association, the I Love Kensington Association, the Kensington Security Forum and all the street committees in Sector 1. The Jeppe street patrollers will join the clean-up.

The event will be held across Sector 1 and parts of Sector 3 covering areas such as Doornfontein,  Bertrams, Bez Valley and Kensington.

The event will be held from 9am to 12-noon.

Pikitup will assist with resources in support of this campaign. Anyone who would like to assist or to participate can contact Mr Zola Dambula, the chairperson of the Jeppe SAPS Sector 1 Crime Forum, on 076 481 9561 for further information. Businesses are also invited to assist where possible.

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