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Centenary birthday Inyoni Creek celebrated

Healthy eating, keeping occupied, and being positive are what Billie attributes her good health to.

Inyoni Creek celebrated its first centenarian birthday.

This is after resident Billie Sack celebrated her 100th birthday.

When Billie walked into the Inyoni Creek clubhouse, pushing her stroller and followed by her three daughters, the room erupted with applause.

Billie has lived at Rand Aid’s Inyoni Creek Retirement Village for 15 years.

Following the milestone celebration, Billie enjoyed a second celebration on June 9 at her daughter Aviva’s home.

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She was surrounded by 24 family members from around the country and abroad, as well as a few close friends.

Born in Vereeniging in 1924, Billie taught shorthand and typing at a commercial college.

She has a music diploma (LTCL) from the Trinity College of London.

Billie’s husband Sokkie has passed away, but their three daughters have added eight grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren to the family.

In her younger years, Billie played golf but switched to bowls later in life and was a member of the Houghton Bowling Club. She excelled by being selected for the nationals four times.

A keen bridge player, Billie not only enjoyed the game but imparted her knowledge over 16 years of teaching bridge.

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Around 20 years ago, Billie took up art and has over the years painted many paintings, which she proudly displays in her home

“Of late, Billie has enjoyed doing diamond dot beading, which is intricate beadwork,” said Inyoni Creek manager Jenny Tonkin.

“Two of her creations are proudly displayed in our reception.”

Healthy eating, keeping occupied, and being positive are what Billie attributes her good health to.

“She once said to me ‘a pessimist won’t buy a green banana because he might not be around to enjoy it, but an optimist will buy the green fruit and in a few days, will happily tuck in’,” shared Jenny.

In her message to Billie at the Inyoni Creek celebration, Jenny said: “Billie, we are so proud to have you as part of the Inyoni family, you have set such an amazing example to all.

ALSO READ: Elphin Lodge resident celebrates 100th birthday

“Your positive attitude to life is a tribute to your lifestyle, living independently in a village surrounded by people who love you dearly.”

On the same day as Billie’s celebration, a Father’s Day celebration for Inyoni Creek’s menfolk was also held.
“The Irish coffees we served were a great hit in the cold weather,” said Jenny.

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