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Opinion: Mrs Vee’s Cup of Words – Can SA be saved by coalition government?

"Coalition governments, by their nature, diffuse responsibility, making it difficult to pinpoint which party is to blame for policy failures or governmental missteps."

These elections were highly contested, with so many political parties on the ballot paper.

The question is, was it worth the papers they were printed on?

In a democratic country, everyone has the right to exercise their rights. However, in practise, too many political parties can sometimes lead to fragmentation that undermines the very democratic ideals it seeks to uphold.

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The presence of too many parties fighting for power can cripple the efficiency and stability of a democratic system, creating an environment of constant political instability and ineffective governance.

I’m not sure how to feel with the results of these elections but to me, it shows that some control is needed. One of the primary issues with too many political parties is the dilution of votes.

The electorates were spread thinly across numerous parties, making the slice of this cake very small.

One has to look at the political landscape of this country and question if we are ready for coalitions and looking at what happened in the municipalities not being able to share power I doubt we are.

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While coalition governments can foster cooperation and compromise, they can also be unstable.

As we see new parties coming into play and gaining favour from electorates, how are we measuring their abilities?

After all, they don’t have much of a track record. Most of the emerging parties are disgruntled members from other parties.

How are we going to hold those in power accountable? Are we going to go back to the manifesto and check what they have promised to deliver to the electorates?

In a landscape dominated by numerous small parties, it becomes challenging for voters to hold any single party accountable for governmental performance.

Coalition governments, by their nature, diffuse responsibility, making it difficult to pinpoint which party is to blame for policy failures or governmental missteps.

To safeguard the health of democracy, it is essential to strike a balance between offering diverse political choices and ensuring effective governance.

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Looking at the current situation of parties having to make decisions about who they are willing to work with and who will be president has put the country in a compromising situation.

As we hear people’s views on coalitions and what it means to them, I wonder if parties can find common ground because the reality is these parties share different ideas and views.

Evaluating the current conditions of the political landscape I can’t help but wonder if it would have been better to have encouraged political parties to form alliances and coalitions before elections rather than after.

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This could have provided voters with clearer choices and fostered more stable governments.

The people have spoken and if parties are honestly paying attention it seems the voters don’t want to give too much power to one party. Yes, they want diversity and maybe a coalition can offer that option.

Will parties play nice in a coalition and will they honestly put the people first?

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