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Precautionary measures for minimising risks of abduction

Do not ignore feelings of discomfort or unease, and remove yourself from potentially risky situations.

People must take proactive measures to protect themselves and their families.

Implementing a few safety measurements could help prevent kidnappings and enhance personal safety:

Stay aware of surroundings:

Be mindful of your surroundings at all times, especially in unfamiliar or isolated areas.

Pay attention to any suspicious individuals or vehicles lurking nearby.

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Travel in groups:

Whenever possible, travel with companions rather than alone.

There is safety in numbers, and kidnappers are less likely to target groups of people.

Avoid routine patterns:

Vary your daily routines, routes, and schedules to minimise predictability.

Kidnappers often observe their targets before striking, so changing your habits can make you a less appealing target.

Trust your instincts:

If something feels off or unsettling, trust your instincts and take action.

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Do not ignore feelings of discomfort or unease, and remove yourself from potentially risky situations.

Be cautious online:

Exercise caution when sharing personal information online, including your whereabouts, routines, and upcoming events.

Avoid disclosing sensitive details that kidnappers could use to track or target you.

Implement security measures:

Take steps to secure your home, workplace, and vehicles with robust locks, alarms, and surveillance systems.

Maintain awareness of any vulnerabilities and address them promptly.

Stay connected:

Maintain regular communication with family members, friends, or coworkers, especially when travelling or in high-risk situations.

Share your plans and whereabouts with trusted individuals and establish check-in protocols.

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Educate children:

Teach children about the dangers of kidnapping and how to respond if approached by strangers.

Empower them with knowledge and strategies to protect themselves, such as memorising emergency contact information and seeking help from trusted adults.

Emergency preparedness:

Have a plan in place for responding to potential kidnapping threats, including emergency contact numbers, safe meeting locations, and steps to take if an abduction occurs.

Report suspicious activity:

If you observe any suspicious behaviour or potential kidnapping threats, report it to law enforcement immediately.

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Your vigilance could prevent a crime and save lives.

Plan your outings:

Before heading out, tell someone you trust about your plans, including where you are going and when you will return. This way, someone knows your whereabouts.

Use well-lit and crowded areas:

Stick to well-lit, busy streets when walking alone, especially at night. Avoid shortcuts and deserted areas that could increase the risk of being targeted.

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