
Wasps honored with prestigious award

Joubert said it was an honour to be the first club to have its name engraved on the trophy.

Wasps Rugby Club was awarded the title of the best Gauteng Rugby Club under the Gauteng Lions Youth Rugby for 2022.
Wasps scored the highest out of 21 clubs in the union in several categories resulting in it winning the Mielie van Zyl trophy.
Van Zyl, the vice chairperson of Golden Lions Youth Rugby, died earlier this year.

Also read: Wasps make history with U19s

In his honour and to continue his legacy, a trophy was handcrafted and reserved for the special purpose of rewarding the top club in the Union from 2022 onwards.
In line with what Mielie stood for, the winning club had to be voted the best for sportsmanship, teamwork, integrity, conduct, and the club with the best overall management.
Besides winning the honourable title, the Wasps broke the record for the most players ever being selected from one club to represent their province.
From U13 to U18, Wasps had 46 players pulled up into the various Golden Lions Youth Rugby IPT men’s and ladies’ teams this year.

Seen here at the awards evening are Lance Harris, Raymond Japhta, Johann Joubert and Dalton Das Neves.

This excluded players who were selected for Grant Khomo, Craven Week and LSEN at the school level.
The Wasps also successfully broke onto the senior scene by fielding a U19 squad this season.
Next year will see Wasps fielding both a U19 and U21 side.
Another season record was broken by the Wasps fielding a total of 545 registered players from U7 to U19.
Wasp chairperson Johann Joubert said closing the year with the special award was the perfect way to end the season.
“We dedicate this award to Van Zyl and Coach Bryan Walker, who we tragically lost this year,” said Joubert.
“This is our way of saying thank you for what they have contributed to our lives and our club.”
Joubert said it was an honour to be the first club to have its name engraved on the trophy.
He said the Wasps focus on more than just rugby players who are taught life lessons, values and morals.
“Small things like work ethic, respect and taking pride in your environment are instilled among players. Wasps is a rugby family and our players will lay everything out on that field for their coaches and each other.”
He said the players live up to the club’s motto of having no fear, not just on the rugby field, but also in the classroom and their community.
“We will continue to grow annually and look forward to even bigger achievements to come,”
He wished the club’s players who were selected to play in the United Kingdom for the Titans on a year-end tour the best of luck
“It feels great to know the hard work of the management team, coaches, my wife Melanie myself, our players and parents put in this season paid dividends. I couldn’t be prouder,” said Joubert.
He thanked all of the club’s sponsors. “Your generosity and kindness go a long way in ensuring our success.”

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