Authorities blamed for overcrowding, hijacking

Authorities have been blamed for the increasing number of hijacked buildings and overcrowding.

Clr Carlos da Rocha, of ward 66, said he is aware of properties in Kensington that have been hijacked and overcrowded, as well as the impact people in these properties are having on other residents.

He was commenting on a residents’ concerns about problem properties in the suburb.

“I make urban management aware of the problem properties for them to be able to take action. I reported the properties in roads such as Benbow Street to the city. The city is well aware of them. Usually residents think that councillors can stop these things from happening and that these things are happening because we do nothing about them. That is not so,” said Clr Da Rocha.

He said houses in certain areas are cheap and people are buying these properties to cram them with people to make more money.

“They are getting away with it because the city management is useless. The mayor encourages overcrowding. He calls it densification. During his state of the city address he made it quite clear that he wants backyard shacks in properties. The mayor encourages these things because the administration of this city is not keeping up with the promises made to the people about providing free houses to them.

“The current administration has lost control of the city. People are doing as they please and no action is being taken against them. We councillors are fighting a losing battle,” he said.

Clr Da Rocha also said the SAPS is to blame for the illegal activities taking place.

He said people are moving into abandoned houses, stripping items of value and making the area look like a slum. “They get away with it because we have a police force that is useless. They allow a house to be invaded without arresting someone for trespassing or destruction of private property for example. When a neighbour complains to the SAPS, they are told that unless the owner complains or lodges a complaint there is nothing they can do. I am waiting for the occasion when they say sorry, we cannot arrest the person unless the murdered victim lays a murder charge against the murderer,” said Clr Da Rocha.

He said authorities have to take the problem seriously because overcrowding and hijacking brings down property values.

“It destroys a neighbourhood because these properties are not maintained. It makes an area look like a slum. The infrastructure is not built to cope with such an increase in the population. The infrastructure takes strain. I am unhappy with what is happening. I cannot understand how a great city like Johannesburg managed to lose so much control over its residents. It is a shame,” said Clr Da Rocha.

Brigadier Govindsamy Mariemuthoo, the Jeppe SAPS station commander, said it is illegal to hijack buildings and therefore, the owner of the building must open a case.

He said the police can only act if people have been staying in the premises for less than 24 hours.

They can be charged with trespassing. He also said if it takes longer than 24 hours for the owner to report the matter, it becomes a matter of the courts. The owner has to obtain the necessary interdicts.

“Instead of commenting on an individual’s statements made against the police, we rather focus on the work at hand. We welcome constructive criticism that will assist the communities. The SAPS is committed to fighting crime and creating a safe community. The few examples of success achieved in our courts bears testimony to this. Statements made by individuals must help contribute in fighting crime. I am not going to waste my time and energy in debating issues or challenging individuals in the media. Good work is being done by the men and women of the SAPS,” he said.

He said that one of the properties in Benbow Street was attended to.

The property in Kitchener Avenue was raided previously and two illegal immigrants were arrested. Nothing else was found. “We will attend to the other addresses given,” he said.

The EXPRESS forwarded an enquiry to the city. At the time of going to print, no comment had been received.

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