
Notice of BCPF elections

On the upcoming national elections, Henry said that BCPF will be patrolling on May 8.

The annual general meeting of Bedfordview Community Police Forum (BCPF) will take place at the Meridian at 72 Concorde Road in Bedfordview on May 6.

On the day there will be nominations and voting for a new chair, deputy chair and committee for the BCPF.

Chairperson Gavin Henry encouraged Bedfordview residents and community role players to step forward.

“I would like the community to take charge and become part of the voting process,” said Henry.

He said that this election needs someone who will add to the community of Bedfordview.

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“The chairperson needs to be community orientated and have safety concerns for the residents of Bedfordview,” said Henry.

Henry added that if he does get re-elected, he will unfortunately not serve the full five years.

On the upcoming national elections, Henry said that BCPF will be patrolling on May 8.

Kethle Khambule, cluster coordinator from the MEC office at the Department of Community Safety, will be overseeing the BCPF elections.

Khambule said that Bedfordview has three sectors and an even number of votes is needed from each sector.

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He said the election needs community members from each sector.

“We need to use an average number of votes to level the playing field. Nominations and voting will be for the entire committee. I would like to see these elections include more women and I hope for a multiracial committee,” said Khambule.

He said that nominations and voting will take place on the same day and will either be done by a show of hands or by ballot.

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