
BCPF reveals plans for 2015

The JIC consists of police and all the local security companies who meet to share information and facilitate co-operation.

The Bedfordview Community Policing Forum (BCPF) plans to expand the co-operation of the community with the police in 2015.

According to the chairperson, Mr Gavin Henry, the forum also has the objective to improve the proactive prevention of crime through the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) meetings which are held fortnightly.

“We also attempt to eradicate the issue of bribery and corruption in the area,” he said.

The BCPF launched an initiative to eradicate bribery in 2014. Business cards were printed and distributed to residents and visiting motorists with phone numbers of police officials.

“If a motorist is asked to pay a bribe by a law enforcement officer, they can then phone either one of the two contact numbers on the card and report the incident. Although the organisation is aware that it will not be easy to catch perpetrators, the police would be able to establish trends. The police will have an idea of where and when the incidents took place and can then trace which officers were on duty at that specific time,” said Mr Henry.

Recounting some of the forum’s successes for 2014, he said, “We went on a drive to improve relations between the police and members of the community with an emphasis on mutual respect and understanding. We also formed the Joint Intelligence Committee with the help of Colonel Ausker Pratt and Mr John Redman from SAPPS.”

The JIC consists of police and all the local security companies who meet to share information and facilitate co-operation.

“Our major emphasis is on prevention rather than reaction,” said Mr Henry.

He added that with the help of Ms Penny Steyn, the BCPF ran two Domestic Workers’ Forums where they encouraged domestic workers to be part of the community and to help with the prevention of crime.

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