
The Mad Sub gets confused

Clearly, the times are changing – and rapidly at that.

We live in a digital world now, and as much as it irks me, I guess we have to accept it.

That said, I do believe some of the social media platforms could come up with some new innovations, especially Facebook.

I am sure you have all (at least) heard of Facebook. I wish to bring your attention to the ‘like’ button, which you click when you are too lazy to post a positive comment (if you are like me).

I would like to see some modifications to the ‘like’ button, such as a ‘mega-like’ button, which could be used to show a super-sized appreciation of something.

Some other buttons would include the ‘dislike’ button, the ‘mega-loath’ button and the ‘what-the-hell-were-you-thinking’ button.

That said, it has also been brought to my attention that there is a whole new subset of slang out there. When I heard some of these terms, my mind immediately went to the ‘mega-dislike’ button.

Totes amaze, amazeballs and LOL are just some of the terms in use today. I don’t know what they mean.

Swag and YOLO also featured on this list of new, uh, terms. Again, I don’t know what either of these words means.

There are many other slang terms available, but owing to the cobwebs in my brain, and an unhealthy craving for chicken strips, I will not go on.

Clearly, the times are changing – and rapidly at that.

I am not as old as some of my readers (all two of them – thanks mom and dad) and yet even I find myself baffled by this online world surrounding us.

Try as I may, I find myself resorting to phoning my 21-year-old brother in law for help. Like when I received my new Galaxy S4 Sunshine Cosmos Turbo Infinity Double Quad Core High Definition cellular phone. My first question was, “How do I turn it on?”

He then promptly spent 40 minutes extolling the virtues of this new device. In short, I think I can control the International Space Station with it.

The scary part is, I am only in my (very) early 30’s.

For the first time, I am beginning to understand the fear present with the older generation with regards to technology. I no longer laugh at them – I now empathise.

To be quite frank, I love electronics and gadgets. I’m a male, who has never yet (publicly) read an instruction manual. I also don’t stop and ask for directions.

But the rate at which technology is not only shaping, but changing, the world around me is sometimes hard to understand, or keep up with.

I’m sure everyone reading this has noticed how even our work environment has changed thanks to technology. In many instances, for the better.

But just like the industrial revolution, are we now facing a technological revolution? And what will the impact be upon society, or even the economy? Will jobs be lost as a result of increasing technological solutions? Will it, just like the industrial revolution, balance out? I hope so, for the sake of humanity.

I love watching doomsday movies, especially those involving the rise of the machines. Like Skynet (those in the know, will know). Given the current advances in technology, is a scenario in which computers take over the world so far-fetched?

At what point will humans become the victims of their own development?

I read an interesting quote the other day.

“The surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that it has not contacted us.”

I don’t wish to end on such a sombre note. As I pen this column, it is a Friday morning.

The sun is shining and the weekend beckons. Time to call my friends via my super awesome totes amaze touch screen wifi bluetooth hotspot phone. For a braai.


For those who can (or want to), follow me on Twitter @TheMadSub.

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