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Bedfordview SPAR supports RAG

Last week, Bedfordview SPAR and TOPS threw further support behind RAG Bedfordview and the Better Bedfordview initiative with a R10 000 donation.

Residents Action Group (RAG) Bedfordview thanked Bedfordview SPAR for its continued support.

Last week, Bedfordview SPAR and TOPS threw further support behind RAG Bedfordview and the Better Bedfordview initiative with a R10 000 donation.

In addition, Bedfordview SPAR has pledged to donate R2 000 each month towards the running costs of Better Bedfordview.

According to RAG chairperson Marina Constas, this is the biggest single donation the initiative had received to date.

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Constas said Bedfordview SPAR was committed to seeing a cleaner and neater Bedfordview.

“The Better Bedfordview team cuts grass, clears pavements and repaints markings. Essentially, the team does what council is supposed to but doesn’t,” Constas said.

Bedfordview SPAR has also offered to sponsor new uniforms and high-visibility vests for the Better Bedfordview clean-up team.

“We are blown away by the generosity. Thank you, Bedfordview SPAR.”

Better Bedfordview is a RAG initiative that strives to keep Bedfordview clean and to unite and uplift the community.

“Our clean-up team consists of previously unemployed men who sweep, tidy, weed, trim, paint, prune, plant, pave and pick up litter. They work hard to keep our area beautiful despite poor municipal service delivery,” Constas said.

The initiative depends on funding and support from residents and businesses.

This year, RAG decided to focus the efforts of Better Bedfordview on a specific, high traffic, highly visible portion of Bedfordview that encompasses the Bedfordview CBD.

This is the RAG Shiny Route.

“We want to make this part of our suburb look the very best it can, neat, tidy, pretty and well-maintained at all times. We hope that this will inspire other parts of Bedfordview to follow our lead and to support the Better Bedfordview initiative.

“With more support and funding, we can grow the Better Bedfordview clean-up team and extend the RAG Shiny Route. Ultimately, the whole of Bedfordview could once again become the jewel of the East Rand,” Constas said.

Residents can help in these ways:
• By keeping pavements neat, clean and well-maintained. Mow the grass and trim the edges. Add some pretty plants. Sweep, clean and weed paving. Paint and maintain the boundary wall, gates, fence, kerb and signage.

• The organisation needs funding from residents and businesses to keep going. RAG also welcomes donations of paint and other supplies and equipment.
To find out more, call RAG on 011 455 4120.

Anyone who wishes to donate to Better Bedfordview can visit www.bedfordviewrag.co.za/donations/

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