School sportSport

Coach Terence goes the distance for BHS sport

Coach Terence Mbeta wants to restructure sport at BHS.

Coach Terence Mbeta believes sport is the best outlet to develop adolescents, and hopes to achieve this at Bedfordview High School (BHS).

Terence began his coaching career in sport 10 years ago, and has since March taken up the mantle to improve sport at BHS.

In addition to have taken over the already established basketball, soccer and netball teams, Terence is working towards establishing rugby, hockey and athletics teams.

Terence is structuring sport in terms of age groups from u-14 to u-18, and would like to have at least one team for each age group and for each sport.

Coach Terence has begun establishing a rugby team at BHS.

“My main focus is to see change in learners. No player in sport remains the same all the time; they have to grow. Through sport I want them to learn life skills and to mature as persons as well. It is important for them to be knowledgeable,” said Terence.

Terence said training teenagers can be tough, but he has found it easy to understand and connect with them.

“I feel sports is a great tool to teach teenagers to be disciplined. It also builds their character. They get to know how to work as a team and to share with one another. They get to learn how to make decisions based on everybody else and not just themselves,” said Terence.

He said the learners at BHS are talented in sport and have the opportunity to become a powerhouse in Gauteng .

‘I want BHS to become the best school at sport in Bedfordview. That is my goal,” said Terence.

Presently Terence is looking for assistance, with learners needing jerseys, sport equipment, finances for transport. He also needs help to refurbish the facility they use to practice and play matches.

“Finances are one thing, but what we really need is assistance with our courts and sports grounds. Most of them are in a state of disrepair,” said Terence.

BHS learners during sport practice at the school.

He said a damaged water pipe used to water the sport field needs to be fixed.

Terence said he has had the support of Ward 20 committee member, Vis Naidoo, who introduced him to the Rotary Club in Bedfordview.

“For our school library, the Rotary Club has given the school 400 books. They have also donated hockey sticks. I am very grateful for their assistance,” said Terence.

Terence said the Leeuwenhof Akademie and Elandspark School have provided some assistance.

“In my experience sport brings out tenacity, courage and fortitude in learners. Sport will give learners the opportunity to have a better life. Through sport they can become leaders in other careers as well. If learners play sports, they will stay off the streets and out of trouble,” said Terence.

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