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Tanika makes 30cm donation at Shavathon

"When my mom was still alive I would always tell her that I would cut all my hair off and give it to her. She always told me not to do it."

To help those with cancer and to commemorate her mother’s death, Tanika Laskey donated 30cm of her hair during the Cansa Shavathon.

Shavathon – residents show they care

Tanika said this was a first for her as she usually sprays her hair with paint to show her support for this initiative.

“When my mom was still alive I would always tell her that I would cut all my hair off and give it to her. She always told me not to do it,” said Tanika.

This year the Grade 9 Holy Rosary High School learner decided to put her words into action.

The 15-year-old said she also assists at the Childhood Cancer (CHOC) Foundation by spending time with young cancer patients.

While spending time with the young patients Tanika discovered the second reason why she wanted to donate her hair.

During her time spent with the young cancer patients, Tanika would normally tie her hair up.

“One day I forgot to tie my hair up and the children started playing with it. They all said they wished they had hair. I could never shake the feeling of them playing with my hair,” said Tanika.

After thinking about it Tanika realised there were many children who had lost their hair during their struggles with cancer.

At the Cansa Shavathon held at the Karaglen Shopping Centre on February 25, Tanika felt it would be the perfect time to help others and stay true to the words she told her mother.

“It was a bit of a difficult decision to make, to cut my hair, but I quickly realised that my hair will grow back and that I will be helping somebody in need,” said Tanika.

Once the hair was cut at the Shavathon it was placed into a plastic bag. Tanika said her hair will be made into a wig.

Tanika said a letter she wrote was placed into the bag with the hair and it will be given to the recipient.

“The letter will explain to the recipient about the wig and why I donated my hair. I want to encourage the patient to remain strong and keep fighting,” said Tanika.

Looking forward Tanika hopes to donate hair more regularly and try raise funds for both CHOC and the Cansa.

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