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Child Welfare thank community for support after burglary

"The problem is not today, it is a continuous struggle to survive"

Edenvale SAPS was accused of late response on June 27, after staff members from Child Welfare SA – Edenvale reported a burglary at its premises on Twelfth Avenue.

Staff members believe the burglary occurred in the early hours of the morning of June 27 when three computers as well as food parcels were stolen from the organisation.

Edenvale SAPS communication officer Warrant officer Jean Olckers confirmed that the incident was a burglary.

At the offices there were visible signs of forced entry in the multiple rooms and the contents of the safe had been spilled onto the floor.

The organisation’s offices had been ransacked. It was also found by staff members that the suspects had switched off the electricity.

“They are really taking from the community; we don’t know where to start,” said the principal of the Pinocchio Educare Centre, Mrs Carmen Albertyn.

“It’s hard to swallow,” said the vice chairman Mr Keith Cosser.

“The problem is not today, it is a continuous struggle to survive,” said Mr Ben Pienaar, the treasurer of the organisation.

“We have to rely on the community for food donations from them – the donations help us a lot. So far the community has responded well,” said Mr Pienaar.

He said that this was the second criminal incident to occur at the premises, the last one occurring six years ago.

ADT responded to the scene and according to Mrs Albertyn the ADT officer attempted to contact the SAPS twice at 7.20am before leaving after which the organisation attempted to call the SAPS.

Mrs Albertyn said that police only arrived at 9.38am to take the statements and that they were there for 40 minutes. “The other police procedures such as crime scene investigations lasted until 4.30pm,” said Mrs Albertyn.

“We will follow up with 10111 on why it allegedly took so long for members to attend to the complaint,” said W/O Olckers.

“When contacting the SAPS on 10111 make sure you get a reference number and that the address is clear,” he said.

According to W/O Jean Olckers the SAPS takes service delivery very seriously and either station commander, Colonel Eddie Trollip or head of detectives, Colonel Ben Baloyi can be contacted at any time to address complaints regarding service delivery.

When asked how he felt about the incident, Mr Pienaar said, “They don’t care that they stole from us, it’s the way society is.”

“Criminals will target anybody,” said W/O Olckers. “The burglary will be investigated.”

The organisation extended its thanks for the immediate support and the way in which the community reacted.

Mrs Albertyn and Mr Pienaar both appealed to the community for support in connection to food donations and the procurement of security beams, which Mr Pienaar estimated will cost R15 000.

Members of the community can donate non-perishables such as mielie samp, canned pilchards, Marie biscuits, macaroni pasta, canned beans and rice.

The organisation can also be contacted on 011 452 4940/1.

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