
BCPF launches new cellphone system

"With the new system, the sector cellphone will ring for 30 seconds and if not answered, the call will be automatically forwarded to the Vispol manager."

In order to increase trust and accountability among police officers, the Bedfordview Community Police Forum (BCPF) has introduced new cellphone technology.

Speaking at the forum’s monthly operations meeting, chairperson Mr Gavin Henry said the system would go live on March 1.

“With the new system, the sector cellphone will ring for 30 seconds and if not answered, the call will be automatically forwarded to the Vispol manager. If that phone is not answered after 30 seconds, it will forward to the station commander,” said Mr Henry.

He said officers are currently receiving training on phone skills.

“They will be expected to stick to a script. First off, they need to establish what the emergency is and then where an incident is taking place,” he said.

Resident and businessman, Mr Peter Wright, worked with the BCPF through his company, iOpen, in developing the system as well as providing training to officers.

Mr Henry said although the implementation of the new system will come with new cellphone numbers for the different sectors, the old numbers will still be in use.

He said residents should keep sector numbers on them at all times.

“It’s also important for the community to know which sector they live in,” said Mr Henry.

Sector 1 covers anyone living or working in the proximity of Eastgate and Bedford Centre, Bedford Gardens, St Andrews, Morninghill and Oriel.

Central Bedfordview, also known as the RAG area, falls under Sector 2.

Meadowdale, Tunney, Meadowbrook, Klopperpark and Elandsfontein form part of Sector 3.

The new sector numbers are as follows:

Sector 1: 011 400-6661

Sector 2: 011 400-6662

Sector 3: 011 400-6663

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