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Help the needy by supporting charity groups, not beggars

Bedfordview Community Police Forum (BCPF) chairperson, Mr Gavin Henry, reiterated his calls to the community to not support beggers at intersections.

Mr Henry was speaking during the BCPF‘s meeting last Saturday.

“It is illegal for anyone to stand or trade at the intersections. It is also dangerous for the person begging and for other road users. Another point is the increase of theft out of motor vehicles in our area. It would seem some of the beggers were implicated. It is not all of them, but we do not know which ones were implicated,” he said.

Mr Henry said there are other, safer, ways to help the needy.

“The best way to help genuine beggars would be to donate to the charity organisations and soup kitchen in the area. By doing this, beggars on our streets will go to these shelters and get help. Those who are there as criminals will be identified and arrested,” he said.

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