
Warning issued to all women after Greenstone rape

The mother was told by police officers that it was the third such incident in the area this month.

An Edenvale mother has issued a warning to all young women after her daughter was pulled into a field and raped in the Greenstone area.

The mother, who cannot be named to protect the identity of her daughter, said the incident occurred on Wednesday evening last week.

“She was walking close to her house past the open fields next to Palliser and Aitken roads. Two men dragged her into the field and raped her,” said the mother.

The mother was told by police officers that it was the third such incident in the area this month.

“So many women walk past these fields every day. I need them to be aware so that this does not happen to more women,” said the mother.

Someone put this sign up at the intersection of Aitken and Palliser roads last night, July 15, following yesterday's warning by a mother to all women after her daughter was dragged into the open field and raped.
Someone put this sign up at the intersection of Aitken and Palliser roads last night, July 15, following yesterday’s warning by a mother to all women after her daughter was dragged into the open field and raped.

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  1. If this is the third incident in this particular area I do not understand why they have not cut the grass so that these people can not hide out there and target the women?

  2. i think the police should start keeping a close eye on these areas like get a under cover policeman so that in future they know who they looking for

  3. The veldt is overgrown and used as a dumping ground. The hawkers selling goods on the corner are living in the long grass. Eskom should be held responsible to clear it up and fence it off.

  4. I noticed this sign just this morning. So sad that the effort is taken to put a sign up, is that all that is going to happen ???
    Cut the grass ?? This is a busy intersection and people run/jog here all the time. Nice that you can walk on the other side of the road and there is no warning (sign is only on the one side of the veld )….. come on SAPS jack up !!!!!

  5. This is Africa. Everywhere in South Africa is a rape area. Your fooling yourself if you think otherwise. This country is a cesspool of low life scum.

  6. If the veld is overgrown and the owners will not accept responsibility, why not just burn the grass down? We need to look after ourselves apparently…

  7. I am happy that the rape hotspot sign is up now it is very clear for all woman welldone to whoever put that sign up

  8. I am happy that the rape hotspot sign is up now it is very clear for all woman welldone to whoever put that sign up
    Can the council not cut the grass please

  9. I walked that route daily twice a day to and from my sons school in Terrace and Illiondale in the early morning and late afternoon, fortunately never encountered an issue, BUT thank God I don’t work or walk anymore! Its shocking that we Gautengers become so complacent that the first thing to cross ones mind is thank God it wasn’t me! Catch the bastards*trap rapists don’t just be complacent SAP!!!!

  10. Why can’t the bastards get caught? There isn’t even proper control of dumping of refuge. This area of veld is a constant problem. Vagrants live in the veld and get away with it. Let’s stand together and fight for a safer area.

  11. Sadly we all know what country we are living in and we all know that we need to look out for ourselves. I don’t believe anyone wants to be raped and no one deserves it, but surely as a young women you should know how to look out for yourself. Walking around at night next to a veld is asking for trouble. Its easy to always point fingers at the SAPS and blame them for everything. I urge all people that comment about poor police service to resign from their jobs and apply for a job at the SAPS and put your life in danger for ungrateful citizens. I SALUTE the Edenvale SAPS!!!

  12. It is probably the police themselves… Edenvale police is the worst in breaking the law and corruption… Just saying

  13. I drive past this veld twice daily to and from work and clearly see daily homeless individuals that have chosen this veld as their residence, so why are we as South Africans that deal with these issues daily, not being more cautious to avoid such areas and individuals.

  14. It makes me crazy . feel like setting the rapist up and catch em in the act. Finish em off witha 9mm. I’m sorry they don’t deserve to be buried. They don’t deserve any humane justice. They deserve to be shot dead.

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