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Metro policing questioned

Recent incidents of speeding and reckless driving on Modderfontein Road have left local residents and business people clueless as to who is responsible for policing the notorious stretch of road.

Founders Hill businessman, Mr Owen Castleman, said that he experienced a collision on September 18 at about 7.40am on the corner of Brunton Circle and Modderfontein Road. He said the traffic lights are a major concern for people who frequent the area.

“Over the last few days and months, many incidents have occurred at this traffic light,” said Mr Castleman. He blamed collisions on speeding vehicles.

“Over the last few weeks, we have spoken to various metro police officers, who seem to appear out of nowhere to set up roadblocks in this area, about the problem,” he said.

He tried to question an Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Officer (EMPD) who arrived at the collision on September 18. The officer said it was not his jurisdiction and that Mr Castleman should contact the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD).

“His car was marked ‘Edenvale Precinct’,” said Mr Castleman. He asked the officer, “Are we so obsessed with areas that we pay no attention to the lives that could be lost here?”

After numerous efforts to reach a JMPD spokesperson, Superintendent Edna Mamonyane admitted that the stretch of Modderfontein Road that goes past Greenstone Hill and Founders Hill is in fact the responsibility of JMPD to police.

She was unaware if JMPD officers performed, or were even allowed to perform, speed enforcement on Modderfontein Road. “In the case of speed prosecution, we would first need to conduct an inspection of the situation on that particular road,” said Supt Mamonyane. She added that after an inspection, recommendations would need to be made and if there were several fatal accidents, then permission would be given to prosecute speed infringements.

Supt Mamonyane advises anyone with speeding complaints to direct an email to the JMPD Director of Licensing, Prosecutions and Courts, Mr Gerrie Gerneke, at gerrieg@joburg.org.za

“From there, Mr Gerneke will liaise with the Director of Public Prosecutions and action will be taken,” said Supt Mamonyane.

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One Comment

  1. I am making use of this road every morning abd gets to work in absolute disguss and fear. A few times now I was pushed off the road ad the modderfontein exit due to taxi’s pushing in on the yellow line. I have pictures of various of this incidents and iicannot seem to reach a metro police officer who can help me with this complaint. I am a 22 year old female driving to work in fear of taxi drivers at that xact exit. Please can someone assist.

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