Township’s first Opera Concert expected to soar

An opera musician from Alexandra, Joey Mabusela, brings his vision to the community while raising funds for a scholarship in the arts in the USA.

Kula House is calling on Alex residents to join them at the Alex Opera Concert on June 29.

Joey De Tenor Foundation founder Joey ‘Joey De Tenor’ Mabusela said this would be the first opera concert in Alexandra which aims to break the generational belief that the concert is for white or wealthy people.

“The purpose of this concert is to fundraise for my scholarship in Los Angeles, America, and use some of the profit to empower or make a difference in an Alexandra kid’s life by getting a boy and a girl child necessary support mainly to believe in their abilities and talents,” Mabusela said.

Alex Opera Concert poster says it all about the fun that it would be on the day of the event.

“As an opera musician from Alex, I wanted to have an initiative that can stand out as one of few unique ventures to make people of the community see that it is okay to be different and it is also possible to start things that not everyone believes in of which not everyone believes there can be an opera musician coming from Alex.”

On the day of the concert, Mabusela said there would be a theatre play by Star B Production, giving theatre storytelling and vernacular poets a platform to express their talent.

“I am grateful to the community members and churches who made sure that this event succeeds by making donations because that means they believe in my dreams. I humbly ask those who can still pull through and help me to raise these funds to please come forward and be part of the change we are hoping for in our community.”

Going to America means a lot to Mabusela as it is not only going to put him on the map but people will see that there is a hidden talent in Alex and he wishes to inspire the youth to chase their dreams and showcase their talents.

“I auditioned online at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) College from America using my videos while performing opera and they got back to me pending admission. After a while I got admitted and am still expected to fill out other forms then it is going to be a work in progress which I am grateful for.

“To the African child, I want to say hold onto those dreams, use that talent and it will take you to places.”

Related article: Alex opera ‘rapper’ on the rise

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