
How to detox your mind of negativity

Top tips on how to become a more positive person.

In today’s world, we often experience sensory overload as a result of too much information.  We take in many negative occurrences that have no direct effect on us, which impacts our mental and emotional state of being.

The current coronavirus pandemic has also added to the collective feeling of negativity, making it quite challenging for many people to remain positive and hopeful.

Here are top tips on how you can clear your mind of negativity:

1. Affirmations

One way to become positive is to incorporate positive affirmations into your daily life. Positive affirmations are repetitive sentences that state how you want something to be.

For example, “I am smart” is a positive affirmation. Although positive affirmations are said not to be effective because they only target the conscious mind and not the subconscious, overtime, repetition, as well as action, can change the way you think.

The brain is malleable, and just because you have a glass half-empty perspective, it doesn’t mean you can never change it.

Sleeping with positive affirmations playing in your ears on a nightly basis will help with shifting your mindset.

2. Meditation

Meditation is the act of intentionally observing one’s thoughts without judgment. This practice is scientifically proven to help lower stress levels and cultivate gratitude.

Consistent mediation will help you rewire the neural pathways in your brain, making you happier and more positive over time.

Start with just 5 minutes daily and gradually build up the length of your meditation sessions as you get better at it.

3. Exercise

Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but it’s good for your mental and emotional health too. Exercise causes your brain to release endorphins, which is a ‘happy hormone’ that helps you feel good.

Regular exercise will help you foster a feeling of wellbeing and help you get rid of negativity.

4. Eating healthy

Eating majority plant-based foods can increase your chances of feeling mentally and emotionally well.  Many studies show that those who eat greasy and unhealthy foods tend to have higher instances of depression, so be sure to bring out your greens and eat your 5 a day.

5. Get enough sleep

Sleep is important for repairing the body and the brain. Not getting enough sleep will leave you feeling irritable, affecting your ability to concentrate and your state of mind.

Sleeping for 8 to 10 hours a day helps with cell regeneration, and also leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the world.

6. Social media detox

Social media can often be a breeding ground for negativity. By taking regular social media breaks, you ensure that you reset your mind and only fill it with your thoughts by limiting other people’s negativity.

7. Surround yourself with positive people

Being around people with positive mindsets is an important part of training yourself to think more positively. If you’re surrounded by negative people, they’re more than likely enabling your negative mindset as much as you’re enabling theirs.

Being around positive people who acknowledge when things go wrong, but don’t dwell in defeat for too long, will help you foster a ‘can-do’ attitude because positivity is contagious.

Positive people tend to be more grateful and lead happier, successful lives.

Disclaimer: These tips are not a remedy for negative mental states caused by mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder etc. Please seek help from a licensed professional.

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