
Fifth Alexandra Music festival aimed at helping the less fortunate children

ALEXANDRA – Local creatives aim to make a difference in their community.

The Little Treasures non-profit organisation, in collaboration with Barkzz Foundation, will host the fifth annual charity event in Alexandra Stadium on 6 April this year.

The Alexandra Music Festival has been instrumental in changing lives for the past four years. According to the event coordinator Bheki Mahlangu, the past four years of the event has been a great success and they were able to raise funds to buy school uniforms for school children from poor families and wheelchairs for local people living with a disability.

Alex Music Festival organiser, Bheki Mahlangu. Photo: Bheki Mahlangu

“Through the event, we have been able to help over 900 kids by buying them stationary and schoolwear. We have also managed to grow this campaign into a successful annual festival, reaching over 50 000 people in Johannesburg for the past four years,” Mahlangu said.

“Our beneficiaries have been able to access things like free books, pens, pencils, school uniforms, bedding, food, clothing and much more. We ensure that this environment maintains dignity, fosters a culture of connectedness and encourages the sense of being a valued member of the community to our children.”

Mahlangu has urged the public to lend a helping hand by buying tickets at Computicket for what he described as an entertainment event of a good cause.

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