
Alex’s Mor’geez Records seeks talented music artists for its label

ALEXANDRA – Do you have what it takes to be the country's next great musician? Mor'geez Records is looking for you.

One the South Africa’s biggest music record company Mor’geez Records is looking for aspiring musicians to groom and sign to the label.

The record company will host its talent search event at Sankopano Community Centre in Alexandra on Saturday, 17 November 2018 from 9am.

According to Christopher Odiley of Mor’geez Records, the talent search is aimed at finding talented local music artists who have been unable to clinch music deals with recording companies. “We want to help aspiring musicians who find it difficult to be offered an opportunity by record companies. We know how tough and difficult it is for them out there, especially the young ones from townships, to get such opportunities,” Christopher said.

If you want to take part in the auditions you can make your free booking at www.talentsearch.morgeez.com or send a WhatsApp to 073 371 7802.


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