Not everyone has a heart of gold

JOBURG - A woman was arrested and charged with fraud last week after allegedly conning people out of Kitty and Puppy Haven 'donations'.

According to the chairperson of the animal shelter, Candice Shaer, the woman visits restaurants and bars in Joburg, telling unsuspecting victims she is collecting money on behalf of the animal shelter.

When Shaer and a local security company finally managed to track the woman down and confront her, they heard a long sob story about using the money to pay rent, that she was homeless, that she had not been doing the con for long … The list of excuses went on and on.

The woman apologised and kept saying how sorry she was – but the question has to be asked, was she truly sorry, or just sorry that she got caught.

After the woman was arrested and released on bail, Kitty and Puppy Haven said they started to receive new reports from people who claimed they had spotted the woman, allegedly still asking for money but she was using another animal organisation’s name.

If this woman was truly sorry, one would think she would be taking her arrest a bit more seriously.

Stealing is never okay, but stealing from a charity … conning people who think they are doing a good thing by giving you money, well that is just disgusting.

This woman deserves to face the full might of the law.

Kitty and Puppy Haven is appealing to anyone who has been conned to open a case with the police. If you believe you have been scammed by this woman, please contact the animal shelter, using the details at the end of this column.

While there is so much that is wrong with this story, if one were to try and see a positive, it would have to be the hope that residents of Joburg might become a bit more cautious before handing over money. There are so many good people out there who want to do good things. Please make sure your money goes to the people and organisations it was intended for.

Just as residents are forced to be alert when driving, or remembering to be security conscious at home – remember too to be cautious when interacting with strangers.

Not everyone has good intentions.

Details: 078 053 8032.

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