
Black and Blue returns to Jozi

JOHANNESBURG - The Fortune Cookie Theatre Company’s legendary production of Black and Blue will be showing in Johannesburg at the Market Theatre until 1 November.


After 11 years of anticipation, Black and Blue, directed by James Cuningham, is taking audiences by storm.

Conceptualised by Sylvaine Strike and written in collaboration with James Cuningham, Helen Iskander and Danny Mooi, the story is one of loss, love, healing and gardening, and stars incredible stage actors Strike and Atandwa Kani.

Audiences now get to see every second of Mrs Swart’s existence alarmingly magnified. Strike plays a woman who is paranoid of life beyond the four walls of her blue home and suffocates in her grief. She eventually succumbs to the persuasive knocking at her door and the angelic arrival of Jackson Siboiboi, a gardener who wants to work in her abandoned garden. A relationship of epic proportions blossoms through her fragility.Cuningham explained that the piece observed the complexities of South Africa’s ongoing master and servant relationships. “Black and Blue comes full circle to the festival a decade later, a nostalgic return for old patrons and an electrifying theatrical revelation for a new generation,” said Cuningham.

Tickets cost R140.

Details: www.markettheatre.co.za; online.computicket.com

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