Editor's note

Fairytale ending for one man

Joseph Phukube, a homeless man in need of work, took to the streets with his CV and matric certificate in the hope of finding stability.

One woman in particular, did something so simple, yet so effective, and no one expected the reaction received from Joburgers.

Sandton resident Pam Green met with Phukube and took to social media to tell his story. Since then, Phukube has received 1 000 job offers which ranged from call centre agent positions to scholarship offers.

Pam Green – thank you for caring enough to stop and listen to this man’s story. Thank you for having a heart and being proactive. A big thank you must also go out to everyone who shared the Facebook post – social media is a very powerful tool and, in this instance, one that was used correctly.

To the businesses and individuals who came to Phukube’s aid and offered him a chance to better himself – you are the real champions in this story. Because of you, the streets will, hopefully, be less one man, and one more family will be able to sleep under a roof and have food on the table.

Click here to read: WATCH: 1000 job offers for homeless man

Phukube’s story is not uncommon, although lucky for him, his has a happy ending.

There are so many homeless, yet capable people on the streets of Joburg. There is so much desperation and need out there – and it is heartbreaking to know that not everyone will get their fairytale ending. Joburg is a place where people come to live out their dreams, yet it is also the place where so many dreams are shattered.

Every month one reads about government’s wasteful expenditure, with the likes of Nkandla coming to mind. How many people’s hopes have been dashed because government has not spent its money correctly? How many jobs could have been created but haven’t because of other people’s inadequacies or greed?

How many times are we going to ask these questions before it changes?

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