Tyler Peter chosen as Head Boy at Acts House of Education

“Reflecting back on my years at Acts House of Education, I could never have imagined that one day I would be standing there in the school auditorium, accepting this great honor of being the Head Boy in my matric year,” said Tyler Peter.

“And the Head Boy of 2021 is…Tyler Peter.”

As those words echoed through the auditorium, I could feel my knees turn to jelly and the place starting to spin. For a moment I thought, ‘Am I dreaming? Should I pinch myself to wake up from this dream?’ Then reality hit me and I slowly made my way to the podium to accept this honorable role that brings with it great responsibility. Among the cheers, I could hear my number-one fans, Mum and Dad.  My eyes welled up as I held back the tears.

Reflecting back on my years at Acts House of Education, I could never have imagined that one day I would be standing there in the school auditorium, accepting this great honor of being the Head Boy in my matric year.  My primary school years were the best. I dominated the sports field and my name was known to learners, parents and teachers – all for good reasons.

High school hit me like a ton of bricks.  Soon I lost interest in most things I previously enjoyed. I started seeking out other things that gave me bigger thrills in life. I got involved with the wrong crowd that drew me closer to the wrong side of life. 

Slowly the train was going off the rails. The word soon got around the school grounds that I was up to no good. It was a regular thing for me to be called into the principal’s office; the walk of shame down the corridors to that office. Then the day came where I found myself sitting across the table from someone, I didn’t know who was chairing my disciplinary hearing; with my parents on either side of me. To my relief, I was not expelled. BUT that day the emotions and the look of disappointment on my parents’ faces was etched in my memory forever.

As I walked out of that meeting, I realised I dodged the bullet. It was time for a change; a 180 degree turn in my life was urgently needed. I started making small changes at first and then bigger ones. I enlisted the help of some of my teachers as well as leaders from my church, Acts Christian Church, to help me on this road to a new better life.

Today I wear my Head Boy badge with honor because I have earned it. I walk with my head held up high because I know the road I had to walk to get to where I am today. It was not an easy journey. Many tears and many regrets, but Jesus is on my side. My parents continue to pray for me and I know I have the support of my fellow learners and teachers at Acts House of Education: a school that fosters Christ-centred education, with the spiritual support of Acts Christian Church.

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