Many hands make light work

Last week, this column was dedicated to crime and a recent precedent which saw a judge allowing a convicted rapist, who was being tried again on a different count, to apply for bail.

Since the column, I have been approached on a few occasions where Joburg residents have said they agree – crime is out of control.

The strange thing is, most of the residents I spoke to, seemed to want to pass the buck to someone else. It seems no one wants to take responsibility and no one wants to get involved to prevent further crime from happening.

A friend of mine ranted and raved about crime over a bottle of wine – but then got into his car and drove, over the limit. This too is a crime – and one that kills thousands of South Africans every year.

I must admit, while I am active within my community now – there is more that I could do and I, along with the rest of you reading this column, should be doing more to make sure our communities are safe.

Before joining this newspaper, I had never attended a residents’ meeting in my area and had not been to a local Community Policing Forum meeting either. I thought that I was one of the few, but it turns out I am part of the majority.

In the two years I have been with Caxton Local Newspapers, I have quickly learnt that it is the few who do most of the work in the community. I have noticed the same names popping up for residents’ association meetings, crime meetings, domestic watch meetings etc etc etc – and I think more of us could step in and play an active role.

Would you believe me if I told you these active and proactive residents also have full-time jobs? Well, I can confidently say the majority of them do. They are not bored housewives or retired men who are looking for something to keep them busy. No, they too are busy people. The only difference between them and the rest of the community is that they care enough to do something. They are not the people who complain, they are the ones finding the solutions.

I would like to urge all of you to try and get involved in your community in some way. You do not have to sit in hour-long meetings, or go patrolling at night if that is not your thing … simply attending the meetings and having a voice in voting in decisions is a great place to start.

Joburg is fast becoming known as a place to hide behind high walls and not get involved. I for one, would like to see that change. I hope that in a year Rosebank [INSERT YOUR AREA] can proudly say they have the best residents’ associations in Joburg and the most active policing forum … and the reason for this is everyone in the community is pitching in.

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