Joe wants to plant a football seed

Seanego wants to first and foremost drive investment into the association through partnerships and other forms of collaboration.

Joe Seanego is a visionary man with big dreams for the future of Alexandra Northrand Local Football Association (LFA).

But the new chairperson of the association’s dreams for the township soccer scene are dependent on whether he’s given a fertile environment to plant his seed to enable his plans to thrive.

A born and bred Alexandrian with dual citizenship in Alex and the Northrand area, including a poultry farming project in Glen Austin, Seanego (46) is no stranger to football having played in the LFA many moons ago and recently owned a team that took the ABC Motsepe League by storm, only to be failed by the politics of football.

He used to own the Babirwa outfit that missed out on promotion to the National First Division, which is a precursor to the prestigious Premier Soccer League, by a whisker due to what he described as ‘the shenanigans of our football’.

He is currently busy assembling Gomora United which is soon to be registered and also affiliated to the LFA but his big plans, for now, will focus more on rebuilding the Alex Northrand LFA brand and then taking it to the glitz and glory of premiership football.

Alex Northrand LFA chairperson Joe Seanego has big plans for Alex football. Photo: Sipho Siso

“I want to sell the idea of establishing a U19 side composed of the most talented youngsters in the township to be groomed and nurtured to become the shining stars and ambassadors to pioneer the path to premiership football.

“This will not be a team owned by Joe but a team of the community of Alexandra that will be run on their behalf and blessed by the club chairpersons in the township,” Seanego told Alex News in an exclusive interview following his election to the football hot seat on March 27.

“This is one of the early seeds that I want to plant. I would like to bring back the glory years of football to Alex in which we prided ourselves as being the producers of talent in the various spheres of sports, arts, culture and recreational activities in the City of Gold.”

But first and foremost, Seanego said he would like to sort out the financial well-being of the cash-strapped association. “We would like to drive investment into our association through partnerships and other forms of collaboration.

“Assembling a squad of U19s and keeping it intact needs financial resources which is what we don’t have at this point and time. I want us to work together as a football family to achieve all this.”

Related Article:

Let’s work together as a football family, says Seanego

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