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Safa Joburg warns amateur football suspension violators

JOBURG – We will deal with those found transgressing the order banning all amateur football activities, says Safa Joburg CEO Colin Jones.

The South African Football Association’s regional body, Safa Joburg, has warned local football associations in its jurisdiction that ‘violate and disregard’ the latest suspension of all amateur football that they will be dealt with.

Although not naming the culprits, Safa Joburg said it had come to their attention that there were some clubs within the LFAs that were not adhering to the latest suspension of amateur football due to the current steep rise in Covid-19 cases under the second wave of the pandemic.

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“We understand there are some clubs that disregard the instruction on the ban and we would like to issue a strong warning to them to please get in line. This is no laughing matter and it’s for the safety of all us, including the violators themselves and their players.

“We will seriously deal with the violators once we catch them,” said Safa Joburg CEO Colin Jones in a statement to the media. He appealed to the LFAs to strictly adhere to the suspension for the ‘good of all of us and nothing else”.

On 10 January, the mother body, Safa sent a circular to all its national affiliates informing them of the body’s decision to suspend with immediate effect all amateur football activities in the country due to the steep rise of Covid-19 cases.

ALSO READ: Safa unlocks all local football activities as Covid-19 pandemic subsides

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