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Africa 5s Alex teams to be automatically entered for 2021

ALEX – Alex teams in the Africa 5s 2020 tournament will be automatically entered for the 2021 edition.

The much-anticipated 2020 edition of the Africa 5s premier social football league, which had earlier been postponed, has now been cancelled following the unrelenting effects of the global outbreak of Covid-19.

The news of the cancellation was announced by sponsor Castle Lager brand director, Kudzi Mathabire who told the media the ‘difficult decision’ was taken after lengthy discussions with all the relevant stakeholders.

As some of the markets had already started receiving entries, including some Alex 5-a-side social teams, Mathabire said all the teams that had already entered for 2020 League, will gain automatic promotion into the 2021 edition of the campaign on a date still to be decided.

“We understand the disappointment which we will face from our football-loving fans as the Africa 5s League has become quite the spectacle where the continent’s most talented players come to showcase their talent,” she said.

“Furthermore, the spirit of this league is one which promotes diverse groups of people coming together and a celebration of the different backgrounds, races and people across borders.”

She said the decision to cancel the tournament was based on the growing Covid-19 public health threat and the impracticality of hosting the 5-A-Side continental league across the sixteen countries during this year.

“In addition to such uncertainties, we also looked at our inability to ensure that our tournament proceedings will not contribute to the spread of the outbreak. We would like to reiterate that the safety and well-being of our consumers and the individuals involved in organising this league across all sixteen countries is our first priority,” Mathabire concluded.

The cancellation of this year’s league applies to all markets apart from Zambia, which will resume with the regional and national league of which the dates will be communicated.

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