Referee’s report awaited for football fracas

ALEXANDRA - The secretary general of Alex football, Mafika Morajane says violence is not tolerated in their games and they will deal with the culprits once they have the referee's report.


Punitive measures will be taken against parties regarding the violence that erupted in the match between Malandela Mighty Heroes and DRA FC once the Alexandra Northrand Local Football Association has received a referee’s report on the incident.

This was the reaction of the secretary general of the association, Mafika Morajane, when told about the incident and asked what action the association will consider taking against the guilty parties involved in the fracas that almost marred the game on 30 July at the Alexandra Stadium.

“Until such time that we, as the controlling body of all things football in our township, receive a referee’s report, there is very little we can do,” he said. “We can only take action against such behaviour with the referee’s report in hand. Violence and other forms of unbecoming behaviour are not tolerated at our matches and those guilty will be punished.”

The SG, as Morajane is popularly known, said so far they had not received a report from the referee who was in charge of the game. “All we can do is sit and wait for the referee’s report and when it finally arrives, we will then approach the parties as per contents of the report and seek clarity before issuing them with a fine or hauling them before the DC [Disciplinary Committee].”

Depending on the contents of the report, Morajane said the guilty party would have to forfeit the three points which will be awarded to the other team. In addition to the points forfeiture, he said the guilty party would be slapped with a fine of no less than R1 000.

He said the rules and regulations and code of conduct of the association dictate that members must not bring the association into disrepute. “If, as reported in the media, a player from the other team searched their opponents’ bags for the balls, the referee was supposed to caution that player as his behaviour is tantamount to inciting violence,” he said.

Morajane, however, pointed out the association did not treat its teams on a home and away basis. “All our teams are home teams and they’re all expected to bring soccer balls to the match. If only one team has soccer balls then they can be used at the discretion of the ball owners.”

Read: Schoolchildren loose tablets in Alex, police investigate

What punishment do you think should be meted against those guilty for the violence that erupted at the Mighty Heroes-DRA FC match? Tweet @AlexNewsZA

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