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Expert offers Joburg residents advice on winter workouts

JOBURG – Summer bodies are made in winter, so don't get left behind.


Beat the winter and get your body in shape for summer.

According to professor Martin Schwellnus, humans are genetically programmed to be physically active every day.

“If we don’t stay active, we quickly feel the detrimental effects on our overall health and physiology. The benefits of physical activity in the scientific and medical literature are at this point absolutely undisputed as a vital component of health,” Schwellnus said.

He offered tips to optimise workouts in winter:

  • Plan your exercise sessions ahead and change up your schedule to keep it exciting.
  • Set up a support group with friends or family where you can keep each other accountable when you are missing workouts and a rewards system when meeting your goals.
  • Get the family involved and make the most of the change of season. Winter offers a good opportunity to explore hiking trails in your area as it won’t be too hot to be outside for a few hours.
  • Enter a fun race that you can do with your friends and remind each other that you are training towards a goal.
  • When time is a limiting factor, split your workouts into two or three sessions throughout the day of 10 to 15 minutes at a higher intensity level.
  • Try stay in your exercise routine even when you really do not feel like it. Make sure you have your exercise clothes in your car or close by and tell yourself that you will do at least 10 minutes.
  • The recommended amount of exercise is a minimum of 150 minutes a week of light to moderate intensity exercise, or 90 minutes a week at a vigorous intensity. Try being more active during the day by taking the stairs, parking further away, walking further or longer in the mall, and play active games with your children.
  • If after 10 minutes you still feel flat or tired, pick a less strenuous workout such as a brisk walk or any other workout at a light to moderate intensity.
  • Buy a fitness device to monitor the progress you are making.
  • Join a programme that helps push you to reach your goals such as Discovery Vitality or a fitness app that can be found on your app store.

Edited by Stacey Woensdregt

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