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Legal Aid office in Wynberg and the Alex Magistrates’ Court Law officials unwind

ALEXANDRA - Alex Court and Legal Aid officials distress in a netball game.


The saying, a healthy body in a healthy mind seemed to have been uppermost in the minds of women law officials as they took off their gowns to play a game of netball.

The teams from the Legal Aid office in Wynberg and the Alex Magistrates’ Court were cheered on at the Three Square Sports Grounds by their male counterparts, as they went all out to display mostly moderate if no netball skills at all.

Alex court and Legal Aid officers distress in a netball game.

But there was evidence of sweat to signal physical involvement and by implication the rejuvenation of the mind, away from their mentally challenging work of defending and prosecuting criminals.

Amused by comical errors of some of the players, a male court official Lufuno Maphiri quipped that the players were either prosecuting or persecuting the game. “In the end, it’s a comradely spirit to help sweat out the stress associated with our high pressured court environment which requires occasional space to let out it all out and in the process, recover mentally to be ready for the next day,” he said.

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Another male official and coach of the Alex court team, Refiloe Khunou said, “Only sport can relieve them of the stress. “It is also a platform for them to socialise and bond.”

Legal officers take off their gowns to distress through sport.

He expressed the hope that the games would be conducted regularly and attended by more officials to help refresh their sharpness in ridding the community and country of criminals. Unfortunately, the men didn’t book the facilities on time and lost out on the opportunity to display their soccer skills, if any. The participants included lawyers, prosecutors, and administration, management and support staff.

Do you have other suggestions on how the officers can also distress.

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