Alex football goes to the polls to elect new leaders

ALEXANDRA - It’s that time again when football in Alexandra goes to the polls to elect new leaders to take the organisation forward in the next four years.

It’s that time again when football in Alexandra goes to the polls to elect new leaders to take the organisation forward in the next four years.

Secretary general of the Alexandra Northrand Local Football Association, Mafika Morajane, said he expected the elections to take place around April when the regional mother body, South African Football Association Joburg Region, announces the dates.

The elective Annual General Meeting is expected to elect the chairperson of the league, a position currently held by Maisha Molepo, and also to elect his deputy, the secretary general, treasurer and eight other board members.

Morajane said the elections are normally held in March every four years, but due to constitutional requirements in the lead up to the elective AGM, the process might be drawn up a little bit into early April.

Once Safa Joburg issues the dates, Morajane said the outgoing secretary general will then issue nomination forms, announce the dates for the AGM and give members and associate members 21 days’ notice of the pending AGM.

Once the clubs have received the nomination forms, they can thus begin the head-hunting process for people they would like to see lead the association for the upcoming four years and potential candidates are then free to start canvassing.

Morajane pointed out that as per the constitution of the association, only members of the league and its associate members can be nominated and stand for elections. Once the nomination process is complete, the names of the proposed candidates will then be handed over to the auditors to compile a list of candidates and positions they will be vying for.

A sealed envelope from the auditors containing the list of names of the candidates is then delivered to Safa Joburg, who then in turn inform the association through its secretary general about the standing candidates for publication purposes.

The last elective AGM was held in 2011, in which the incumbent chairperson, Molepo, was elected unopposed after intense lobbying which saw long-time leader Moss Selolo agreeing to step down and give young blood a chance to run the league.

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