East Bank High School boys in Alexandra form a chess club

Hlalefang Alexandra Chess Club founder Jonathan Maliboho has praised the two boys from East Bank High School for taking up the initiative to form a chess club at their school and hope this will spread like wild fire to other township schools.

Two boys from East Bank High School in Alexandra are the toast of the success of the Hlalefang Alexandra Chess Club after they took the initiative and formed a school chess club.

Known as the East Bank High School Chess Club, it was founded last year by Simangaliso Sithole and Jack Chuene after they approached Hlalefang Alexandra Chess Club founder Jonathan Maliboho about advice as to how they can go about encouraging learners in the school to play chess.

“Maliboho told us to form a club that will teach fellow learners the tricks of playing chess and the benefits there-in, such as the notion that chess players tend to do good in mathematics and science as the game is based on careful calculation of one’s moves which includes a pinch of science in the act,” Jack said.
“So we have managed to muster 57 learners, both boys and girls, that participate in chess-playing lessons and playing at the school with the help of the Hlalefang Chess Club,” added Simangaliso.

Teachers at the school are said to be embracing the art of playing chess as it complements the learners’ academic performance in subjects such as mathematics and science. “I am delighted at this initiative by Jack and Simangaliso as I have been struggling to convince schools to take up chess as a sport and booster for mathematics and science subjects in the school.
“I will walk the journey with the two boys to ensure their dream is realised and the club can ultimately spread to other schools as they have indicated to me they would like to spread their wings to touch other township schools, including primaries as well which are the foundation of learning,” Maliboho told Alex News at the opening of his chess club office at Sankopano.

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