LETTER: Can JRA please fix Vincent Tshabalala Road

ALEXANDRA – A motorist from the township calls on the JRA to please fix Vicent Tshabalala Road.

Anonymous from Alexandra writes:

I am a concerned motorist from Alexandra who frequently uses Vincent Tshabalala Road (formerly London Road) as I drive to and from work and the state of that road is disgusting.

The entire stretch of the road from 1st Avenue up until the main intersection of 8th Avenue, which is the gateway into and out of Alex, has been reduced to a single lane on the side towards Sandton.

There are potholes the size of a bathtub that can easily swallow an entire car. This road has been like this for the past two, if not three, years now. When will be the JRA fix this road?

Are JRA taking their time to fix it because it does not matter at all because it is Alex, after all, and its residents can put up with the state of affairs for as long as it takes?

Elections are around the corner and if this state of affairs persists, we, the residents, shall be forced to vote for a councillor and party that will look after our interests and deliver services to us.

How long will Alexandra remain a neglected place?

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