ENSafrica provides free legal services in Alexandra

ALEXANDRA - ENSafrica, Africa’s largest law firm, provides access to justice in Alexandra by offering free legal services to the community from their offices at the Sankopano Centre in Alex.

The firm’s office opened in 2008 with its main service providing lawyers who will assist anyone in Alexandra on a one-on-one basis who cannot afford legal services, until the matter is finalised.

ENSafrica also has a training centre called the ENSafrica Business Centre where various legal education workshops are offered almost on a daily basis to interested members of the community. Workshops cover various legal and business topics.

Moreover, each year, the firm offers two empowerment courses. The Constitutional law and human rights course is a six-month course designed to empower community developers, activists or leaders with the ability to comprehend and apply issues pertaining to human rights and governance in South Africa and to better equip them to do community work.

A 10-month business management series aims to empower aspirant entrepreneurs with basic training, such as how to start a business, preparing a business plan, various aspects of business management, handling tax for entities, staffing, client management and types of contracts.

ENSafrica also runs various mentorship initiatives for entrepreneurs and provides legal, tax, forensics or business training to members of organisations based in Alexandra on request.

ENSafrica’s Business Centre is also available to any individual or organisation to use its facilities for meetings and workshops.

Not to leave the youth behind, the organisation also provides Constitutional literacy classes in all the high schools in Alexandra, as well as providing debate (moot court) coaching to these students.

The firms partners with many organisations to enhance development in Alexandra, including Sars, Wits Business School, Departments of Labour, Trade and Industry and Economic Development (Gauteng), City of Johannesburg, NYDA, NPA, RAF and Alex FM, to name but a few. Every Tuesday at 10.30am, the firm’s lawyers are interviewed on topics affecting the community of Alexandra on Alex FM. Sars also operates from ENSafrica’s offices every Tuesday. Several of ENSafrica’s senior lawyers furthermore serve as commissioners of the Alexandra Small Claims Court, which the firm helped launch.

More than 350 lawyers, tax and forensic professionals from ENSafrica are involved in different programmes in Alexandra.

Anyone interested in ENSafrica’s services may visit its offices at the Sankopano Centre, on the corner of 12th Avenue and Reverend Sam Buti Street (formerly Selbourne), or call or em-mail the firm.

Details: 011 555 0980; info@ensafrica.com

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