
Use technology for the right reasons

ALEXANDRA - News of schoolchildren wasting their futures by videotaping themselves in graphically explicit sex in Alexandra is quite worrying and a cause for concern for all sober-minded parents.

A recent video of Alex schoolchildren having sex has not only gone viral but has also created a cause for concern for all sober-minded parents.

The video, which graphically depicts the pupils wearing uniforms having sex in an environment suspected to be their corridor of learning, has gone viral among their peers.

One wonders what has gone wrong with our children. Sex is nothing new as it has been here since the time and days of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when they first ate that forbidden fruit and a spell was cast on all humans.

The Biblical narrative is that a serpent enticed Adam and Eve into tasting this forbidden fruit and one wonders whether that same serpent is now active and doing the rounds once again to the detriment of our children. We have all known sex to be the preserve of adulthood and married couples, but today it seems to be a free for all.

Maybe one can curse the advent of technology but, like everything, technology has its good and bad side.

The primary aim of technology is to make our lives easier, as it is now quicker to communicate and send messages than it was during the time of burning fires as communication signals, beating a drum to send a message or even travelling kilometres on end to deliver a verbal message to another village.

The advent of cellphones and associated gadgets and applications has given rise to a much quicker bush telegraph, but what is disturbing is the gross abuse of technology by the perverts and sex predators lurking in our midst.

If humans could discard bad habits and use technology for what it was intended for, to enhance our lives, I am sure this world would be a wonderful place. But what I am not sure of is whether or not this teen sex incident would have occurred had technology not happened in our time.

My call is simple and straight forward, let’s use technology to solve challenging socio-economic problems that bedevil us as a human species rather than on issues that simply corrupt our minds and turn us into sex predators.

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