Beware: TB is a killer

ALEXANDRA - Tuberculosis (TB.) is a deadly killer disease and should be taken seriously and medication completed.

1. What is TB?

It is a curable infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs but can sometimes affect other parts of the body.

2. What causes TB?

A germ called mycobacterium tuberculosis.

3. How is it spread?

When someone with active TB coughs, talks, sneezes or spits, the TB germs go into the air.

4. What are the signs of TB?

Coughing longer than two weeks, loss of appetite, weight loss, night sweats (even when it is cold), feeling tired or weak, chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood.

5. The types of TB

Pulmonary TB (lung TB), and extra-pulmonary TB (TB in other parts of the body outside the lungs)

6. How is TB diagnosed?

By visiting the nearest health facility.

The following tests may be done:

Free testing of sputum (phlegm)

Free X-ray

Free skin test may be done in children

NB: Some other tests have to be done in hospital.

7. How is TB treated?

TB treatment is free in all public facilities (clinics and hospitals).

TB is treated for a minimum period of six months for those who have not had TB before.

For those who have been treated for TB before or have extra pulmonary TB, a medication period of one to eight years may be required.

Medication must be taken every day, seven days a week.

8. Why does TB treatment sometimes fail?

Because the disease is not detected until it is too late.

Because the medication is not completed or not taken regularly seven days a week.

Because incomplete treatment may create resistant forms of TB such as MDR or XDR TB.

The cost of MDR TB medication is expensive and takes 18 to 24 months to be treated.

MDR TB has a poor chance of cure.

9. What is the relationship between HIV/Aids and TB?

TB is curable even if one is HIV positive.

If you are HIV positive there’s a 10 percent chance that every year you will get TB.

All TB patients should be counselled and tested for HIV.

And all HIV positive patients should be tested for TB.

10. How can we prevent TB?

Eating healthy food

Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine

Open windows and doors

Take regular exercise and have lots of rest

Minimise or stop smoking and drinking alcohol

Stop abusing drugs.

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