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Alex job seekers on the march for jobs

Imisebenzi Yethu organisation leads Region E job seekers on a door-to-door march from Alex Mall to industries in Linbro Park, Kew and Wynberg in search of job opportunities.

Imisebenzi Yethu organisation led Region E job seekers on a door-to-door job campaign targeting industries in Linbro Park, Kew and Wynberg.

More than 30 job seekers marched to these business industries to seek economic opportunities such as jobs, learnerships, internships, and sponsorships, and also follow up on the CVs they submitted months back.

Job seekers march to Linbro Park industries. Photo: Alulutho Siboma
Job seekers march to Linbro Park industries. Photo: Alulutho Siboma

“One of the reasons we are here is that we realised that it is difficult to find jobs in Alexandra. Companies in our industrial areas come here to our community with their staff which means they don’t hire anyone in the nearby community but hire people from different areas.

“I believe a company should consist of 60% employed people from that community. We are tired of companies using recruitment agencies that hire people from afar, so we want their attention, for them to hear what is it that we are complaining about,” said Mushi Raletjena, the chairperson of Imisebenzi Yethu.

Job seekers are on their way to Linbro Park businesses to submit their CVs. Photo: Alulutho Siboma
Job seekers are on their way to Linbro Park businesses to submit their CVs. Photo: Alulutho Siboma

A job seeker Siphelele said, “We went from company to company in Linbro Park, knocking for opportunities but still, we came back with nothing but with promises that we anticipate will not bear any fruits because most companies’ responses were not positive at all.”

According to Lizzette Souter from Altrons, one of the businesses targeted by the job seekers, their company was still retrenching as one of their warehouses in Linbro Park was closing and some of the staff there would have to be absorbed into the depot.

Job seekers wait for a response to the CVs they submitted months back at Altron offices. Photo: Alulutho Siboma
Job seekers wait for a response to the CVs they submitted months back at Altron offices. Photo: Alulutho Siboma

“We are currently fully staffed and cannot hire anyone at the moment but I can promise that I will try my level best to arrange a meeting for Raletjena to meet with my seniors to discuss a way forward and build relationships,” Souter said.

Another job seeker Zintle Xonya said, “Being unemployed is a pain and problem as we cannot put food on the table and provide for our families. We are tired of staying home and doing nothing all day, moreover, we have responsibilities and needs that we must fulfil.
“My child is supposed to start preschool but I have no money to pay for her creche and that frustrates me. Joining this march for me was necessary because any job I could get would be a blessing.”

Job seekers march to Linbro Park businesses. Photo: Alulutho Siboma
Job seekers march to Linbro Park businesses. Photo: Alulutho Siboma
Job seekers wait for a response to the CVs they submitted months back at Altron offices. Photo: Alulutho Siboma
Job seekers wait for a response to the CVs they submitted months back at Altron offices. Photo: Alulutho Siboma

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