MaVi urges suicidal youth to always choose life

Alexandra's MaVilakazi urges youth to always choose life no matter how bitter the lemons may be that life hands them.

‘When life gives you lemons you must make lemonade’ may sound like an archaic adage but it still seems to ring true for 21-year-old Nomphumi Vilakazi of Phase 1 in Alexandra.

Better known to many by her musical stage name of ‘MaVilakazi’, Nomphumi Vilakazi grew up with her grandmother who used to run a shebeen with lots of sit-down patrons and loud music until the wee hours of the morning.

Alexandra’s Phase 1 resident and sensational songbird Nomphumi ‘MaVi’ Vilakazi makes waves.

Bad as the environment may sound for a growing toddler, she unwittingly made lemonade from those lemons that life handed her as a toddler. When she was suicidal in her life at one stage, she was inspired to a musical career that is her lifeblood today.

“I started making dance moves and singing along with the lyrics of the many songs played at the shebeen for patrons and at crèche, I used to showcase dance moves and singing ability to the extent that I became well-known for that.

Nomphumi ‘MaVilakazi’ Vilakazi urges Alex youth against being suicidal.

“I have not looked back ever since as I have written and sang close to 20 songs since I started exploiting the talent I have. And this was cultivated by the environment I grew up in,” MaVi, as she is also known in short for MaVilakazi, told Alex News in an interview.

But life also had its ups and downs for MaVilakazi as she became suicidal and tried to take her own life. When that did not succeed, MaVi said she realised she could be destined for bigger things in life.

“I started paying serious attention to music during my matric study time. Each time I got distressed by my studies, I would sing some lyrics and get rejuvenated to get back on track.”
She matriculated in 2020 at Athlone Girls’ High School in Linksfield.

Nomphumi ‘MaVilakazi’ Vilakazi urges suicidal Alex youth to always choose life.

MaVilakazi said it was coincidence that most of her music speaks to the youth about the importance of life, love, money, success, prayer and holding onto dear life.

“Music tends to soothe me from all my problems and tribulations and my message to those who may feel suicidal is simple, there is life after feeling suicidal and always choose life, as you never know that you may be destined for the presidency of this country,” added MaVi.

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