Brilliant brush laid to rest: Thabiso Seduma remembered for artistic brilliance

Vibrant and talented artist Thabiso Seduma was celebrated in his final farewell, as friends, family, and the art community paid tribute to his artistic spirit and legacy.

The artistic community came together to bid farewell to a rising star in the artistic world – Thabiso Seduma was buried on June 8, at his home in Hammanskraal, Mpumalanga.

ALSO READ: Thabiso Seduma’s painting of Julius Malema sparks praise

His family, friends and fans came together to bid farewell to Seduma at a moving funeral service. Seduma’s untimely passing left many reeling, as the cause of his death remains a mystery.
The family said the police would not give them the results of the post-mortem as they were still conducting an investigation.

Thabiso Seduma was celebrated in his final farewell, as friends, family, and the art community paid tribute to his artistic spirit and legacy.

Seduma was known for his intricate and expressive portraits that earned him recognition and acclaim, one of which was a notable depiction of EFF commander-in-chief Julius Malema during his recent party rally at the Alexandra Stadium.

EFF leader Julius Malema’s portrait was drawn by the late young talented fine artist Thabiso Seduma.

Sedume died on June 2, after he was discovered lying in his yard near the gate in the early hours of the morning by neighbours who alerted the family and then called an ambulance but by the time it arrived, he was declared dead.

Related articles: Thabiso Seduma: A born artist and painter

Alexandra mourns the loss of talented artist Thabiso Seduma

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