WATCH: Service delivery protest in Alex

The protest is a cry for help and a call for urgent action from the government to address the issues that have long affected the residents of Madala Hostel.

Alexandra’s Madala Hostel residents have taken to the streets to protest the lack of service delivery in their community. The demonstrations, which began early this morning [May 16], have brought attention to the ongoing frustrations of the residents who feel their needs have been neglected by local authorities.

The protesters cite numerous issues that have plagued the hostel, including inadequate sanitation facilities, unreliable electricity supply, and crumbling infrastructure. The hostel, which houses hundreds of people, has been subject to years of neglect, and residents have grown weary of unfulfilled promises from local officials.



Alexandra’s Madala Hostel residents hit to the streets due to the lack of service deliverly in the area. Read more on our website

♬ original sound – Caxton Joburg North

Residents said some containers were made available to them to live in during the Covid-19 pandemic but they had not been able to make use of them because they were told that these containers were unusable because there was no electricity supply for them.

Despite repeated pleas to local authorities, the community feels that their concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

Look out for the full article in the edition of Alex News.

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