South African National Blood Service extends its working hours to encourage more blood donors

Blood Service expands its working hours to accommodate those who cannot visit during conventional operational times

South African National Blood Services (SANBS) says a single blood donation can save up to three lives.

Just one unit of blood can save three lives by being separated into red cells, platelets, and plasma. These elements are critical for the many conditions people suffer from that require emergency intervention. Some of the more common are car crash victims, mothers who have haemorrhaged during childbirth, cancer patients and even elective surgeries that experience complications.

Siemi Prithvi Raj, SANBS Executive for Transfusion Donor Services said, “Most donation sites will operate until 19:00 on weekdays to allow donors the flexibility to donate at times suited for them and to accommodate those who cannot visit during conventional operational times.”

Raj added that with the help of their donors, they will be able to collect sufficient Group O blood, which represents the universal donor group O can be given to groups A, B, AB or O patients.

Who can donate

You cannot donate if:

If eligible, you will first undergo a quick registration process, show some form of identification, and fill out a health questionnaire.

“We believe that some people are scared of needles and are anxious about giving out their blood But donating blood means giving someone out there another chance to live, therefore we urge people not to be afraid of donating blood and we are seeking more young heroes to help us fight the battle of insufficient bloodstock,” said spokesperson Khensani Mahlangu

She added that if there is insufficient bloodstock, those in need will not be able to receive blood which will lead to a loss of lives. “Donating blood means giving someone the gift of life,” she said.

According to SANBS, there is no specific time frame for how often a person can donate but the frequency varies depending on a person’s health. However, Mahlangu said people can visit their donation centres every 66 days but the younger ones can donate twice a year.

“I love people and nothing excites me more than contributing blood to help those who are in need. Donating blood now and then is my favourite way to help others. It’s simple and it doesn’t cause me any inconvenience and it assures me that my blood donation makes a difference to those in need,” said Andiswa Cebisa, a blood donor.

Here are the things to boost iron in low-iron donors:

Excellent iron sources

Vitamin C to help absorb iron
Greens and cabbage
Orange and grapefruit

Donation centres

The organisation encourages those willing to donate to visit their website or contact 0800 119 031 to find their nearest donor centres.

Related article: SANBS urgently needs blood donors to step forward

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